
Power BI with Navision: Which customers buy which items?

The Power of Data For Success

A really simple example of how to use Microsoft Dynamics NAV together with Power BI. Business Intelligence in a very simple way.

What does it show?

It shows which are the best customers, as the size in the ring diagram corresponds to the accounts receivable turnover. In addition, it shows which items bring the most revenue. These are at the top of the bar chart.

And now comes the trick

If you select a customer in the ring diagram, then the entire report is filtered according to this customer. Ergo, you will then only see the items that the respective customer has purchased.
And vice versa: if you select an item in the upper bar chart, you will see the associated customers who have purchased this item.

From which tables does he take the information?

The Power BI report actually only accesses three tables: Posted Invoice Lines (Sales Invoice Line), Accounts Receivable (Customer), and Items (Item). These three tables are then linked together in Power BI via a relation so that they fit together.

You can try it out right here on the website, gladly in full screen mode.

You already use Navision and wonder how to make the data in it more useful? I would be happy to advise you on data analysis strategies in your manufacturing company and help you to improve your reporting landscape. Already with Excel (keyword "PowerPivot"), if done correctly, many evaluations can be made from NAV without always having to download the tables. Also with Power BI or Tableau, many things can be displayed nicely.

Through automated evaluations, we create transparency in your company. And transparency leads to better, faster decisions by your employees, which in turn generate cash.