Sales reporting with Power BI

In the world of sales and finance, Power BI is a game changer. Power BI provides a robust data analytics platform and takes reporting capabilities to a new level with its advanced visuals. Discover how Power BI transforms reporting and helps you gain deeper insights into your business data - more effectively, more clearly and faster than ever before. 

Try out this live dashboard hands-on, because seeing is believing.
Click Here you can click on any product, customer name or month.

For a given year, current sales (ACTUAL) are always compared with the previous year's sales (PY).

  • Top left as Total value
  • Top right as a comparison per monthIn green if things went better than in the previous year, otherwise in red.
  • Bottom left to Sales customerThe top sellers are at the top. To the right, the change compared to the previous year is shown for each product, first as an absolute value, then as a percentage. If you click on an article here, the entire page filters to the article - you can then see how the article has developed and who has bought it.
  • Bottom right to Customer: The best customers are at the top. Click on a customer to see what they have bought and how they have developed.

During filtering, hold the CTRL key button, you can combine several filters (e.g. a customer and a month).

Would you also like a similar view for your business figures to which your managers have access? Then get in touch with us and we will take care of the rest. This type of view is one of the "basics" for us, whether with Microsoft Dynamics or with any other system as a data source.

You can even switch between the individual sub-elements (visuals) during use:

Which customers are the most grown? Which are migrated? And what exactly is the reason for this?

Sort the delta columns in ascending or descending order and then analyze them interactively.

This top performer and low performer analysis can also be applied to products. In contrast to classic "top and bottom performers" lists, the customers who led to the performance can also be viewed for each product, as well as the progression over time.